

For the celebration of 150th birth centenary year of Swami Vivekananda- Tamilnadu  State Government G.O. No.114 dated on 1.07.2013 – Higher Education Department insist to start Research Center in the name of Swami Vivekananda to all Universities.


Dr. K.Bhuvaneswari                             
Associate Professor and Head In-Charge, Department of Mathematics

In Mother Teresa Women’s University, Swami Vivekananda Portrait was  inaugurated on 15th October 2013.       

  1. To realize the inner potential  of mankind, through the understanding of Indian  Culture and Philosophy.
  2. To inculcate social ethics among the youth,   particularly women  and public and make them noble citizens so as to contribute to the wellbeing  of the society.
  3. To encourage leadership qualities among the women’s and offer common platform to develop co-operative work   culture.
  4. To propagate the philosophy and moral values of swami Vivekananda through the conduct of extension  programs
  5. To empower women students   Through cultural activities like Instrumental play and Vocal.
  6. To introduce Swami Vivekananda thoughts – for personality development - patriotic value– Moral Ethics - in University and its affiliated colleges -  through certificate & Diploma courses and Higher Studies and Research.


  1. Awareness Programs for Rural Area-Health Care ,Women Rights & women Empowerment, Funds available and allotted through government for the basic need      Higher Education awareness for parents
  2.  Awareness Programs for School Students-Education for character, Universal Ethics and Moral Values, Basic Human Rights, Patriotic value ,Motivation for Higher Education
  3. Awareness Programs for College Student-Youth Camp, Conducting Exhibition, Patriotic value ,Motivation for Higher Education, Job Opportunities
  4. Introducing-  Diploma and Certificate Course
  5. Centre Extension Activity- adopted villages –Giving training programs and Health awareness programs